Saturday, June 24, 2017

Study Materials Review: The College Panda ACT Math

Ever since a student introduced me to the College Panda SAT math books by Nelson Phu, I’ve kept an eye out for an ACT version.  A couple of weeks ago I spotted it.  I ordered both the ACT Math:  Advanced Guide and Workbook and the ACT Math Workbook:  More Advanced Practice by Topic.  Like the SAT book, the ACT book is light on test strategies.  Any gains you make will be strictly due to improvements in your math capabilities. 

In the first guide, the explanations are clear, but strictly math-based.  There is no mention of calculator use.  Math purists often make it a point to take their college entrance exams without using their calculators, but I rarely see those students.  Most of my students appreciate a word or two on the best use of their calculators.  The answers to the exercises are explained, but the explanations are ….succinct.  Usually, they just walk you through any algebra involved.  There is no mention of ways to avoid the algebra altogether by, say, noticing that the slope of the line must be positive and that there’s only one answer choice that offers that option. 

Most of the time, the primary weakness in an ACT math book is a failure to cover certain topics at all.  This book is better than the competition in this area.  The only topic I couldn’t find – I haven’t read it cover to cover – is vectors.  I will say that the coverage of the miscellaneous topics (matrices, Venn diagrams, sequences and ellipses) is cursory, but it is there.  There is a nice selection of problems at the end of each chapter.

When I ordered the books, I wondered about the title of second one:  Did the “more” mean more practice, or did it mean more advanced?  It means more practice, and I’m not sure whether I’m pleased or disappointed.  The ACT Math Workbook covers the same topics as the Advanced Guide.  The main difference is that the explanations have been left out, so the volume is slimmer – and less expensive.  The problems in each book are different, and, unfortunately, if you wanted to see the full spectrum of problem types for each topic, you would need both books.  However, if you are working with a tutor, you could use the slimmer Math Workbook and count on your tutor to fill in any missing problem types.

Overall, I recommend these books.  Up until now, I have used my own ACT materials with my students,  but I will consider having those students who are comfortable with their calculators purchase the ACT Math Workbook and then supplementing with my own materials.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Study Materials Review: A Guide to the Math SAT

Richard Corn has updated his SAT math guide to reflect the revised test.  (Full disclosure - he sent me a copy to review.) This guide has a number of things I like.  First, I like the organization.  The topics are grouped in a logical manner.  Second, I really like the variety and range of difficulty level of the problems.  There is some really good practice in here.  Third, this guide includes tips on getting the best use out of your calculator which most guides leave out.  There are one or two topics I would have like to see covered more fully, but Mr. Corn has promised to add updates as released tests warrant.

When I reviewed Mr. Corn's guide for the "old" SAT, I mentioned that the formatting and explanations weren't particularly "friendly" and that the book might not be the best choice for a student working on his or her own.  I am happy to report that the explanations are much improved in this book.  There are some nice examples, some solid advice, and plenty of targeted practice.  I have uncovered a few typographical errors, but only one might affect your ability to understand or work the problems, and the author has promised to post a list of errata on his website.

This guide is an excellent resource for students who are working with or without a tutor.  I plan to purchase another copy or two for my resource shelf.  

Monday, January 30, 2017

Study Materials Review: College Panda SAT Math

I am often introduced to a new resource by my students.  That's how I became aware of The College Panda SAT Math Advanced Guide and Workbook.  The students was one for whom I would usually recommend PWN the SAT Math Guide: an advanced math student who has covered most of the material but who needs practice with looking at problems from different angles.  He had already been through PWN the SAT and was looking for more problems.  Somehow he stumbled across College Panda.

The tag line on the back of the book reads, "If it's not in this book, it's not on the test," and that's pretty nearly true.  This is a comprehensive book with a LOT of problems.  The problems represent a wide range of styles and difficulties and are nicely divided into categories so you can target your problem areas.  The problems also "feel" right.  The most difficult problems in each sections tend to be a tad more difficult than the most difficult problems on the SAT.  That's a good thing.  (Actually, in a few spots the problems resembled those on the SAT Math II subject test.)

The book does not include any practice tests to work on strategy or timing, so you will need access to some practice tests for that purpose.  (The same company has helpfully provided a book of practice tests in case the 7 - as of this writing - provided by the College Board aren't enough.  I haven't taken a good look at it, yet, so you can expect a review of that eventually.)

If this book has one weakness, it is that it is light on strategy.  It consists of examples, practice problems, and annotated answers.  There is little in the way of advice about timing, approaching multiple choice questions, or anything else that might fall under the category of "testing tip."  The author, Nielson Phu, seems to feel that the road to a perfect math score shouldn't involve any sign-posts for students who can't answers questions through sheer math prowess.  While I agree with that in principle, even the best math students needs a toolbox of techniques to pull out for when she or he doesn't immediately see how to approach a problem.  Students in the 600's to low 700's might get the most out of this book when used in conjunction with a tutor.